Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Ever Wondered Personality Profiling

Personality profiling of people, Commonly referred to as psychometric testing or psychological profiling, is a fast way to comprehend someone's personality in a under certain circumstances.


It won't tell you stuff about how clever they may be|It will not be a measure of intelligence or even ability.


It will only tell you about their preferred way of acting|However you could learn about something about how they behave.


In this article you will discover about personality profiling and evenhow to make use of it at work.

Profiling at the office

One can implement personality reports in a range of applications in your organisation. For more than 55 years it is often applied;


Employee assessments

Coaching and Development

Team Building

Profiling in Recruitment

Are you recruiting? Then you may want to know that there are some personality types that will thrive in the position you have and there are some that will not cope at all. This is regardless of their qualifications or experience. Each person's personality type will determine how they cope with the particular work environment you offer.


It is always better to hire people who do the job naturally over people who are not.


A “Natural” will cope with your job role a lot easier. This is because they work to their strengths. “Naturals” will stick the job longer and deliver better results.


“Forced Fits” will always struggle with your work environment. They have to invest a lot of energy just to cope with your environment. So People Maps invented SPB. This helps you determine what your work environment is and which personality types are most likely to cope with it.

How To Do this

Lots of people ask the question, how do you profile people. The hard way to do it is to try and do it manually.You need some software, which is a combination of some questions and some code, that produces a result.


However the practical way to profile people is to use one of the established systems. It takes years of refinement and development to produce a profiler that can be relied upon. PeopleMaps spent millions and almost twenty years to develop its profiler. Be very careful of any system that tool less than that.


Are you looking for FBI profiling? Then you need to look at a very different school and it's not what this piece is about.

Tools for Profiling

With so many systems to choose from. You must be ensuring you order the right one. Make sure it has some longevity. It takes years to refine a system to produce repeatable results.


Make sure it is designed for your application. There is no such thing as a personality report as they are all very different, make sure you get the right one. Is it an internet system?|Make sure it has been created to be used over the web|In this day and age software has to work online.


There are plenty of poorly built platformssystems available that you are probably best to avoid. You don't want lengthy questionnaires. Is there a credible psychologist writing the content?.

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